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October 3, 2013 Auction

CCA's Top 10  (Lots 1-10)
Baseball Trade Cards  (Lots 11-21)
Baseball Cards  (Lots 2, 6, 7, 22-167)
Graded Baseball Cards  (Lots 168-177)
Baseball Comic Postcards  (Lots 178-193)
Multi-Sport and Roller Skating Cards  (Lots 194-196)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 1, 3, 197-236, 326-330, 334)
The Bert Sugar Collection  (Lots 4, 237-238)
Football Cards  (Lots 239-263)
Football Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 8, 264-273)
Pittsburgh Steelers  (Lots 274-276)
Boxing Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 9, 277-286)
Hockey Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 287-294)
Basketball Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 295-311, 366, 368)
Olympics and Tennis Autographs  (Lots 10, 312-315)
Pittsburgh Pirates Pennants, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 316-333)
Brooklyn Dodgers  (Lots 110, 229, 334-335)
Baseball Memorabilia  (Lots 4, 316-325, 331-333, 335-360)
Baseball Photography  (Lots 361-373)
Non-Sport Cards  (Lots 374-387)
Non-Sport Memorabilia  (Lots 5, 388)
Non-Sport Autographs  (Lots 389-393)
Comics  (Lots 394-399)
New York Yankees  (Lots 1, 4, 55, 74, 83, 138, 172, 173, 175, 204, 227, 233, 237, 339, 340, 343-345, 348, 362, 369, 370)
Rochester Red Wings  (Lots 3, 201, 351-353)
19th Century  (Lots 11-25, 194)
Negro Leagues  (Lots 197-200)
View Entire Auction  (Lots 1-399)


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