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Baseball Cards and Related Collectibles   60 Lots       »   

Lot 197.  LA Dodgers Collection – 1961 Union Oil Booklets Partial Set, Tickets, PCs, Etc. Seventeen of the 24 Union Oil “Dodger Family” booklets are present: Alston, Craig, Tommy Davis, Willie Davis, Drysdale, Fairly, Gilliam, Howard, Koufax, Larker, Moon, Neal, Perranoski, Larry Sherry, Norm Sherry, Snider and Wills. Vg-ex to ex overall. There also is a 1960 “Dodger Family” booklet featuring Koufax. Vg. Full phantom tickets are offered for the 1991 NLCS and the 1991 World Series, all nm-m. They are accompanied by a 2001 ticket and stub picturing Shawn Green, nm, and a ticket for a 2003 game with the Brewers; Green again is shown, nm-m. Green is the subject of a center-fold poster in the 2000 Dodgers Magazine, nm. Nine team-issued 1960s-70s postcards are in the collection: Alston, Buckner, Fairly, Alan Foster, Lou Johnson, Mike Marshall, Osteen, Sizemore and Torborg. Ex-m+ to nm+ overall. There also is a 1960 team-issued b&w photo of James Gilliam vg-ex and a Jay Publishing photo, apparently from 1960, of Gil Hodges vg. Excellent collection of 36 items!
Winning Bid $92.
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