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Music – On Paper or Vinyl   24 Lots       »   

Lot 745.  Rare 1971 Elvis Hotel Menu, 1981 John-Yoko Rolling Stone. Two of the biggest names in modern music in one lot. 1. One of Rolling Stone’s most memorable covers, Jan. 21, 1981, features Yoko Ono and a nude John Lennon in bed during their time at the Dakota in New York. Annie Liebovitz took the photo on Dec. 8, 1980. That same evening, Lennon was shot and killed. The issue has chips around the edges and displays nicely. 2. 1971 International Hotel in Las Vegas, souvenir menu, from the Elvis Summer Festival. Printed on heavy card stock, it is 9” x 12” and has a vertical crease. Very hard item to find.
Winning Bid $20.
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