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5 Autographs from the World of Track & Field.

Lot 748. 5 Autographs from the World of Track & Field. Three of these signers are in the National Track & Field Hall of Fame. 1. Earl Bell, nm-m 8 autograph on an 8” x10” photo with dual images. A pole vaulter and HoF member, he won the bronze medal at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. 2. Ellery H. Clark Jr. (died 1997) autographed 3” x 5” card; mint 9 signature. A professor of English and naval history and the track coach at the U.S. Naval Academy, Clark wrote three books on the Boston Red Sox and biographies of Cy Young, Tris Speaker, Lefty Grove, Joe Cronin and Smokey Joe Wood. He won a gold medal in speed walking in the Senior Olympics. 3. Payton Jordan (d. 2009) 4”x6” color photo boldly signed (mint 9) and dated “’87” by this famed track HOF coach! He coached at Occidental College and Stanford and was the coach of the 1968 U.S. Olympic track & field team. 4. Joe Yancey (d. 1991), “J. J. Yancey, Jr.” autograph (nm-m 8) as part of a return address on a full envelope postmarked 1972. This famed HoF track coach helped to develop many U.S. athletes and coached the Jamaican Olympic team in 1948, 1952 and 1956. 5. Larry Young, nm 7 to nm-m 8 autograph above a 6” x 5” photo in a 1972 issue of the “New York Times.” Young was a two-time Olympic medalist. He was the last American to medal in the Olympics walking competition.
Minimum Bid $50.

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