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July 26, 2012 Auction

Boxing Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 1-10, 215, 236)
Wrestling Cards  (Lots 11)
Baseball Cards  (Lots 12-81, 214, 249, 256)
Graded Baseball Cards  (Lots 45, 82-91)
Baseball Pins  (Lots 92-96)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 97-155, 168, 215, 248, 256)
Football Cards  (Lots 156-165, 214)
Football Autographs  (Lots 166-176, 215)
Pittsburgh Steelers  (Lots 177-180)
Pittsburgh Hockey  (Lots 181-182)
Hockey Cards and Autographs  (Lots 183-190, 215)
Basketball Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 191-210)
Golf Autographs  (Lots 211-212)
Multi-Sport Collections, Olympics, NASCAR, Billiards, Etc.  (Lots 213-219)
Baseball Memorabilia  (Lots 220-231, 243-247.250, 251, 253, 254, 257)
Baseball Photography  (Lots 232-242, 252, 255)
Pittsburgh Pirates  (Lots 38, 116, 126, 128, 129, 243-251)
New York Yankees  (Lots 44, 150, 252-257)
Mathew Brady Photos and Other CDVs  (Lots 258-263)
Non-Sport Exhibit Cards  (Lots 264-274)
Non-Sport Cards  (Lots 275-290)
NASA and Flight  (Lots 291-293)
Non-Sport Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 167, 294-302)
Negro Leagues Autographs  (Lots 97-98)
Notre Dame  (Lots 169, 176, 204)


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