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1867 Bowdoin College “Bugle” Featuring Joshua Chamberlain and Championship Baseball.

Lot 190. 1867 Bowdoin College “Bugle” Featuring Joshua Chamberlain and Championship Baseball. Chamberlain was one of the lesser-known important heroes of the Civil War until the 1993 movie “Gettysburg.” A college professor with no military background, he rose to the rank of brigadier general. For his bravery and leadership at Gettysburg, he was awarded the Medal of Honor. Later, he was given the honor of commanding the Union troops at the surrender ceremony for Robert E. Lee’s infantry at Appomattox. After the war, he served four one-year terms as Maine’s governor. In 1871, he was appointed president of Bowdoin, his alma mater, a position until he held until 1883. Ill health connected with his war wounds forced his resignation. Chamberlain is mentioned in two places in the 1867 publication, which measures approximately 5.5” x 9” and contains 32 pages. He is listed as president of the alumni association and as president of the graduate officers of Phi Beta Kappa. “The Bugle” also contains two pages on baseball. One lists the members of three Bowdoin baseball teams, and another reports that Bowdoin “Won the Silver Ball” on Oct. 7 and lost it on Oct. 19. In the Oct. 7 game, Bowdoin defeated the Eon Club of Portland ME, 39-36, to capture the state baseball championship and the Silver Ball Trophy. Apparently the trophy was a solid-silver regulation-sized ball offered as a prize by the Maine State Baseball Association. It was the second time the Bowdoins had won the championship. Soon after the victory, the Pennesseewassees of Norway, ME, challenged Bowdoin for the trophy and the title. Named after a Norway Lake, which was named after an Indian tribe, the Pennesseewassees were also known as the Norway Bears. The two teams met on the Bowdoin baseball field on either Oct. 19 or Oct. 22; the date varies from source to source. What is certain is that the challengers defeated the favored collegians, either 29-8 or 23-9. The team from Norway took the silver trophy home, much to the dismay of Bowdoin supporters. In an 1872 Bowdoin publication, a writer cited “dissension existing at the time in the club” as the reason for the loss. “Men that were recognized as our surest players seemed to be possessed of an evil enchantment…. Not only do we deplore this defeat, as the loss of the championship, but the termination of Bowdoin’s glory in the art of Base Ball. Never since has our name attained to any eminence in the National game.” This issue of “The Bugle” has been attributed to Chamberlain. It is vg to vg-ex with three cover splits of about 1.5” each along the spine. An excellent baseball and Civil War collectible!
Winning Bid $75.

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Winning Bid $75    


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