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69 Different 1910-11 T51 Murad “College Series” Cards Including Baseball and Football.

Lot 124. 69 Different 1910-11 T51 Murad “College Series” Cards Including Baseball and Football. Basketball and golf are also represented. These cards constitute almost one-half of the set. There are 68 different images; the Fordham card, which has a baseball scene on the front, is present in both the First and Second Edition cards in this group. All but five cards, which are noted, are from the First Edition. The 75-100 Series is complete with 25 cards, including Illinois and Millsaps (both golf) and Ohio State (baseball). The 101-125 Series is missing only Furman and Lombard; it includes Buchtel (football), Haverford (baseball) and Luther (basketball). Two 1-25 Series cards are present: Furman (baseball) and Princeton. In addition, there are five 1-25 Series cards from the Second Edition: Amherst, California, Fordham (baseball), Swathmore and Texas. Series 26-50 cards are Alfred, Bowdoin, Bucknell, Colorado, Kentucky (baseball), North Dakota (football), Northwestern (basketball), Trinity and Wisconsin. Finally, Series 51-75, six cards, Armour, Grove City, Juniata, Mount Union, RPI and U. of Chattanooga. Approximately one-half of the cards have on the back a packer stamp number, which not been considered in the grading. Twenty-seven cards have back damage along the left side. Following are two sets of grades: With the back damage considered – Ex+: 1 card. Ex: 6. Vg-ex: 12. Vg: 9. G-vg: 2. G: 3. F-g: 2. F: 28. P-f: 5. P: 1. And with only the fronts considered – Ex-m: 1 card. Ex+: 8. Ex: 14. Vg-ex: 16. Vg: 13 G-vg: 3. G: 5. F-g: 2. F: 1. P-f: 5. P: 1. Baseball is represented by five cards, and football, basketball and golf, by two each. Here is a great start on a collector set!
Winning Bid $273.

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Winning Bid $273    


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