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February 24, 2011 Auction

Baseball Cards and Related Collectibles  (Lots 1-57)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Baseball  (Lots 58-65, 146)
Autographed Sports Ilustrated - Basketball  (Lots 66-67, 240)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Boxing  (Lots 68, 247)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Football  (Lots 69-72, 247)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Golf  (Lots 73, 247)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Olympics  (Lots 74-75, 247)
Autographed Sports Illustrated - Racing  (Lots 76, 247)
Negro Leagues Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 77-90, 221, 227)
Team-Signed Baseballs  (Lots 91-94)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 58-65, 95-151, 191-193)
Football Cards  (Lots 152-163, 186)
Football Memorabilia  (Lots 164-171, 184, 187-190)
Football Autographs  (Lots 69-72, 154, 164, 172-183, 185, 247)
Steelers, Pitt - Autographs, Memorabilia  (Lots 152, 166, 172, 174, 180, 184-190)
Pittsburgh Pirates  (Lots 95, 112, 116, 125, 191-202, 226)
Baseball Publications - Guides, Programs, Periodicals  (Lots 203-207)
Baseball Memorabilia and Figuries, Etc.  (Lots 194-202, 208-219)
Baseball Books  (Lots 220-226)
Baseball Photography  (Lots 227-232)
Golf  (Lots 73, 233, 247)
Hockey Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 234-237, 247)
Basketball Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 66-70, 238-244)
Horse Racing  (Lots 245)
Olympics, Multi-Sport - Autographs, Memorabilia  (Lots 74-75, 246-248)
Non-Sport Cards  (Lots 249-263)
Non-Sport Autographs  (Lots 264-272)
Astronaut Autographs  (Lots 269-272)
Cincinnati Reds  (Lots 3-7, 21, 36, 62, 121)
New York Yankees  (Lots 32, 64, 93, 100, 113, 119, 143, 212-213, 216)
Brooklyn and L.A. Dodgers  (Lots 22, 24-25, 31, 92, 108, 112, 117-118, 125, 135)
Boston and Milwaukee Braves  (Lots 138-140, 228)
View All 272 Lots  (Lots 1-272)


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