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December 16, 2010 Auction

The New York Yankees  (Lots 1-17, 278, 279)
Baseball Postcards  (Lots 18-24)
Baseball Cards and Related Memorabilia  (Lots 25-140, 240, 289)
Baseball Sets  (Lots 122-124, 129-132, 134-138, 140)
Tobacco Openend Packs, Baseball Wrappers, Display Boxes  (Lots 141-145)
Baseball Pins  (Lots 146-152, 219)
Aviation and Military Autographs and Lithographs  (Lots 153-159, 292)
Football Cards  (Lots 160-170)
Football Memorabilia  (Lots 171-176, 223)
Football Autographs  (Lots 177-216)
Pittsburgh Steelers  (Lots 207-216, 240)
The Olympics and Multi-Sport Cards and Memorabilia  (Lots 217-224)
Boxing Card and Autograph  (Lots 225)
Hockey Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 223, 226-227)
Golf Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 228-232)
Tennis Autograph  (Lots 233)
Basketball Cards and Memorabilia  (Lots 219, 223, 234-238)
Pittsburgh Pirates  (Lots 146, 239-243)
Robin Roberts Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 244-246)
Team-Autographed Baseballs and a Jersey  (Lots 247-250)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 1, 7, 11-15, 239-242, 244-268)
Baseball Photography: The Brooklyn Dodgers  (Lots 269-271)
Baseball Memorabilia  (Lots 5, 9, 10, 25, 26, 240, 242, 252, 266, 272-277)
Baseball Periodicals, Programs and Yearbooks  (Lots 3, 4, 8, 9, 15-17, 223, 278-280)
Baseball Books  (Lots 7, 281-283)
Non-Sport Cards  (Lots 217, 284-292)
Non-Sport Memorabilia  (Lots 293-297)
Non-Sport Autographs  (Lots 298-304)
Baseball Photography  (Lots 2, 6, 242, 269-271)
Comic Postcards and Comic Books  (Lots 3, 4, 18, 19)
View the Entire Auction  (Lots 1-304)


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