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November 18, 2010 Auction

Golf: Bobby Jones Photos, Jock Hutchison Autograph  (Lots 1)
Autographed Baseball Jerseys  (Lots 2-3)
Baseball Cards and Premiums  (Lots 4-45)
Unopened Baseball Card Boxes  (Lots 46-47)
Graded Baseball Cards  (Lots 48-54)
Insert Baseall Cards  (Lots 45-47, 53, 54)
Football Cards  (Lots 55-72, 102)
Unopened Football Boxes  (Lots 73-75)
Football Programs and Other Memorabilia  (Lots 76-93, 101-105)
Football Autographs  (Lots 94-100)
Pittsburgh Football - Steelers and Panthers  (Lots 101-105)
Pittsburgh Pirates  (Lots 106-109, 190, 205)
New York Yankees  (Lots 110-124, 190, 194)
Boxing Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 125-135)
Hockey Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 136-138)
Basketball Cards and Autographs  (Lots 139-144)
Olympics Autographs and Multi-Sport Memorabilia  (Lots 145-147)
Horse Racing  (Lots 148)
Auto Racing and Cars  (Lots 149-151)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 111, 117-122, 152-169)
Baseball Autographs on Cards, Postcards, Index Cards  (Lots 170-174)
Single-Signed Indivdual Baseballs and Bats  (Lots 108, 110, 114-116, 175-205, 215, 218)
Negro Leagues Autographs  (Lots 206-213)
Single-Signed Baseball Groups, Multi-Signed Baseballs  (Lots 106, 107, 112, 113, 214-228)
Baseballs Signed by Rookies of the Year  (Lots 116, 176, 197, 215, 216)
PSA-Graded Autographs  (Lots 175-176)
Baseball Books  (Lots 229-231)
Baseball Memorabilia  (Lots 232-240)
Baseball Programs, Yearbooks and Periodicals  (Lots 240-247)
Space Exploration and Military Autographs & Memorabilia  (Lots 248-257, 292)
German Beer Steins  (Lots 258-268)
Non-Sport Autographs  (Lots 269-277)
Non-Sport Silks  (Lots 278-280)
Non-Sport Cards and Memorabilia  (Lots 281-297)
Elvis  (Lots 281)
View All 297 Lots  (Lots 1-297)


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