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1998 “Gathering of Eagles” Print Signed by 20 Aviation Heroes of Various Wars - Donahue, Risner, Hill, Yeager, Etc.

Lot 242. 1998 “Gathering of Eagles” Print Signed by 20 Aviation Heroes of Various Wars - Donahue, Risner, Hill, Yeager, Etc. A Medal of Honor recipient, fighter aces and pioneers of aviation signed this Jay Ashurst lithograph, #167 of 1,000 and double-matted to 32” x 40”. Ashurst produced this triptych for the Air Command and Staff College (ACSC) at Maxwell Air Force Base and its Gathering of Eagles program, which emphasizes the study of aviation history and the contributions of aviation pioneers. The 20 aviators and the artist autographed the print in pencil. Authenticated by Kevin Keating, the autographs are 9s and 10s. Fred Ferguson was the first Army aviator to receive the Medal of Honor in Vietnam. Four aces are here, Archie Donahue (d. 2007), who twice shot down five Japanese planes in a single day in World War II; Herschel H Green (d. 2006), the leading ace of the Fifteenth Air Force, who downed 18 enemy aircraft and destroyed 10 more on the ground; Robinson Risner, Korean War ace, decorated Vietnam War pilot and seven-year POW, and the first living member of the service to receive the Air Force Cross twice, and “Tex” Hill (died 2007), U.S. World War II ace and a member of the Flying Tigers. Others who signed are Chuck Yeager, the U.S. test pilot who was the first to travel faster than sound; Connie Bowlin, the fourth female pilot of Delta Airlines and a member of the Warbirds of America Hall of Fame; Earl Brown, one of only three African-American F-86 pilots and wingman to three Korean War aces; Fernando Soto, a Honduran pilot who shot down two El Salvador fighters in the 1969 “Soccer War”; Alan Mulally, former Boeing executive, now the head of Ford Motor, and apparently too busy to sign more than his first name; Don Engen (d. 1999), decorated U.S. Navy pilot who headed the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum; Bob Titus, who flew more than 500 combat missions in Korea and Vietnam; Robert L. Gibson, astronaut who participated in five space missions, (Thorsteinn) T. E. Jonsson, Russ Bannock, Ron Fogelman, Pat Epps, Madan (KC Chetri), Giora Even and Bob Wright. A high-quality color softcover book accompanies the print; it contains a description of the artwork, as well as a portrait of each aviator, biographical information and a description of the plane the aviator flew.
Winning Bid $152.

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Winning Bid $152    


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