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Tennis Memorabilia   1 Lot      

Lot 144.  4 Wood Tennis Racquets – Wright & Ditson, Spalding, Laver and Kozeluh Models. Several of these racquets appear to be from the 1920s-40s. They include a Wright & Ditson Top Flite model, a Karel B. Kozeluh model from A. G. Spalding & Bros. and a Spalding Geneva model. Kozeluh was a quarterfinalist at Wimbledon in 1926 and 1927 and coached Great Britain’s Davis Cup team in 1928 and 1929. These racquets are generally vg-ex to ex. Dunlop produced the Rod Laver model, apparently about 1963. The racquet identifies Laver as a “Grand Slam Winner,” marking Laver’s 1962 titles at Wimbledon and in the Australian, French and U.S. Opens. Laver’s image is reproduced on each side of the racquet. Vg+ to ex.
Minimum Bid $20.
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