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October 16, 2009 Auction

Baseball Sets and Partial Sets  (Lots 1, 37, 42, 43)
Baseball Tickets Stubs  (Lots 2)
Football Sets  (Lots 3-7)
Baseball Cards and Related Memorabilia  (Lots 1, 8-44)
Baseball Graded Cards  (Lots 45-49)
Football Cards  (Lots 3-7, 50-59)
Football Memorabilia  (Lots 60-62)
Football Autographs  (Lots 63-68)
Autographed Baseball Books  (Lots 69-84)
Autographed Baseball Scorecards  (Lots 85-87)
Negro Leagues Autographs  (Lots 88-89)
Baseball Autographs  (Lots 90-140)
Autographed Team Collections  (Lots 141-149)
Baseball Annuals, Yearbooks and Programs  (Lots 150-156)
Baseball Books  (Lots 157-161)
Pittsburgh Pirates  (Lots 115, 162-167, 173)
Baseball Memorabilia  (Lots 2, 168-175)
Basketball Autographs  (Lots 176-180)
Olympics  (Lots 181-182)
Sports Illustrated & Other Multi-Sport Publications  (Lots 183-184)
Boxing Autographs and Memorabilia  (Lots 185-187)
Golf Memorabilia  (Lots 188)
Non-Sport Cards and Memorabilia  (Lots 189-200)
New York Yankees  (Lots 70, 71, 90, 96, 97, 99, 103, 108, 112, 113, 122, 123, 126, 149, 168)
Philadelphia Phillies  (Lots 81, 94, 111, 117, 121, 126, 127, 136, 137, 156, 157)


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