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Wrestling Memorabilia   1 Lot      

Lot 1.  1968 Original Wrestling Broadside Featuring Sammartio at Boston Garden. The May 11, 1968 match pitted Bruno Sammartino against the Kentucky Butcher. Based in Pittsburgh, Sammartino was a fan favorite. He is best known for being the longest-running champion of the World Wide Wrestling Federation (WWWF). He held the title for more than 11 years over two different reigns. He also held the World Heavyweight Championship longer than any other wrestler. Virgil the Kentucky Butcher was John Quinn, a Canadian professional wrestler who competed in the WWWF. During 1968, he faced Sammartino on several occasions. At Boston Garden, Sammartino pinned Quinn after a backward flip press. The Boston Garden was a famous arena built in 1928. Designed by boxing promoter Tex Rickard, the arena was originally called the “Boston Madison Square Garden.” The arena was demolished in 1997, a few years after the completion of the FleetCenter. Two tag teams were also on the bill. The 17” x 26” poster is ex-m with mild shading from age at the edges. Silkscreen printed in black with red highlights, it will make a great display piece for your sports game-room.
Winning Bid $321.
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