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The Olympics   1 Lot      

Lot 134.  Fabulous Collection of 7 1928-92 Olympics Card Sets, Complete or Partial. These sets capture a wide and interesting range of Olympics events, achievements and memories. The first two sets are especially desirable. 1. 1928 Godfrey Phillips Olympic Champions, Amsterdam – complete set of 36. Track and field, swimming, gymnastics and equestrian events or competitors are featured in these sepia photo cards. Canadians and Americans are among the participants pictured. Nm-m 2 cards, nm+ 3, nm 9, ex-m+ 5, ex-m 7, ex+ 3, ex 2, vg-ex 1, vg 2, g 2. 2. Carreras Ltd. Olympics 1948 – complete set of 50. Athletes are pictured individually in this blue-tint cut-to-size issue. Among the athletes are Harrison Dillard, Ann Curtis, Eddie Conwell and Melvin Patton of the U.S. Vg to vg-ex overall. 3. 1960 Comet Sweets Olympic Achievements – complete set of 50. Full-color artwork is displayed on the fronts of these cards. Nm to nm-m. 4. 1962 Comet Sweets Record Holders of the World – complete set of 25. These full-color cards grade nm to nm-m overall. Rafer Johnson is card #21. 5. 1983-84 Greatest Olympians – complete set of 99. Distributed by Finder Image International, this set features Jim Thorpe, Oscar Robertson, Cassius Clay (Ali), Jerry West and many others. Overall nm-m. 6. 1992 U.S. Olympicards – complete set of 110. This set features Barkley, Bird Ewing, Johnson, Jordan, Malone, Pippen and many others. Overall nm to nm-m. 7. 150 Olympia 1936 – Band 1 photo cards. These cards are from Germany. They carry a “Sammelwerk Nr. 13” designation and are from four different series. Most picture winter events, but track and field, swimming and basketball are also depicted. The cards from Series 53, 54 and 56 are about 3 1/8” x 4 ¾”. There are 50 cards present in each series. Sixteen cards picturing events from previous Olympics are in color; the others are b&w. Sonja Heine, American swimmer Peter Fick and Avery Brundage are among the individuals pictured. There also are photos of U.S. hockey games with Canada and Germany. The 23 cards from Series 55 measure 4 ¾” x 6 ¾”. Sonja Henie is shown, and so is the Canadian hockey team. These 173 cards average ex-m.
Winning Bid $264.
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