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Multi-Sport Cards and Memorabilia   1 Lot      

Lot 152.  Scarce High-Grade 1937 Wills “British Sporting Personalities” Set of Real-Photo Cards. This set comprises 48 cards featuring British stars of boxing, soccer, rugby, cricket, auto and horse racing, track and field, hockey and other sports. Among the notable athletes are flyweight boxing world champion Benny Lynch mint, golfer Pam Barton nm-m, Wimbledon champions F. J. Perry nm-m and Dorothy Round nm-m, runners-up Bunny Austin nm and Kathleen Stammers nm+, Capt. G. E. T. Eyston, who set a land speed record of 357.53 mph in 1938 nm, the Earl of Derby nm-m and the Aga Kahn nm-m. The remainder of these 2” x 3” photo cards grade, mint 5 cards, nm-m 9, nm+ 9, nm 7, ex-m+ 4, ex-m 1, ex+ 2, ex 1, vg-ex 1.
Winning Bid $61.
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