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Track & Field Autographs   1 Lot      

Lot 286.  48 Autographs of College Athletic Champs, Primarily Track Stars, 1920s-60s. Incredible assortment of signatures typically in ballpoint pen on 3” x 5” index cards or government postcards. Most are nm-m 8s and mint 9s with some better and some less. The group also includes skiers, swimmers, badminton competitors and representatives of other sports. The athletes and the championships they held include: Bob Backus (3), Pan-American Games hammer throw, 1955. Charlie Beetham (cut glued to an index card), Ohio Sate, AAU 800 meters, 1936, 1939, 1940, 1941. John N. Belitza, pole vaulter, AAU Hall of Fame. Hobie Billingsley, NCAA diving, 1945. George Davies, NCAA pole vault, 1961. John Macy (signed Macy John, 2), AAU three-mile indoor, 1957-59. Vern McGrew, NCAA high jump, 1950. Maxine Mitchell (4), Olympics participant, 1952, 1956, 1960, 1968. John W. Morriss, AAU 110-meter hurdles, 1933. Cherrie Parish (2), AAU 80-meter hurdles, 1961. Jack Patterson, AAU 400-meter hurdles, 1937, 1938. Adolph Plummer, NCAA 440 yards, 1961. Jim Rafferty (2), AAU indoor mile, 1945. Peter A. Rasmus, NCAA discus, 1929. Bob Rehberg, NCAA mile, 1946. Jan A. Sikorskey, AAU javelin, 1962. Janell Smith, AAU hurdles, 1963. Stan “Why be irritated” Stoller, NCAA 100-yard dash, 1937. John Twomey, national 1500 meters, 1949. William Vessie, AAU indoor high jump, 1943-44. Al White, AAU swimming, 1922-26. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $25.
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