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October 2006 Auction

      New York Baseball Heroes  (Lots 1-11)
      Intermission with Ty Cobb  (Lots 12)
      Pittsburgh Baseball Heroes  (Lots 13-31)
      19th Century Cards and Memorabilia  (Lots 32-40)
      Baseball Cards  (Lots 8-10, 13, 41-84)
      Display Boxes  (Lots 85-87)
      Graded  (Lots 161-188)
      Programs, Books, Periodicals  (Lots 258-266)
      Vintage Baseball Photography  (Lots 14, 24-27, 38-39, 267-272)
      Memorabilia - Balls, Gloves, Tickets, Etc.  (Lots 4, 11-12, 20-23, 28-40, 82, 273-287)
      Display Collectibles  (Lots 301-302)
      St. Louis Cardinals  (Lots 288-291)

      Cards  (Lots 88-93)
      Memorabilia, Autographs  (Lots 94-106)
      Watches  (Lots 107-111)

Basketball  (Lots 7, 96, 239-245)
Boxing  (Lots 228-236)
Golf  (Lots 254-255)
Hockey  (Lots 246-251)
      A Collection of Airplane Cards  (Lots 219-227)
      Non-Sport Memorabilia, Autographs  (Lots 189-200)
      Non-Sport Cards  (Lots 201-218)
      Original Baseball Artwork  (Lots 292-298)
      Original Non-Sport Artwork  (Lots 299-300)
      Volleyball and the Lucky Dog  (Lots 257)

      Single-Signed Baseballs  (Lots 1-2, 112-118)
      Other Single-Signed Baseball Items  (Lots 5-7, 15, 18, 119-131)
      Team and Multi-Signed Baseballs  (Lots 17, 19, 132-141)
      Multi-Signed Baseball Collectibles  (Lots 3, 16, 142-160)
      Auto Racing Autographs  (Lots 256)
      Horse Racing Autographs  (Lots 252-253)
      Golf Autographs  (Lots 255)
      Non-Sport Autographs  (Lots 189-200)


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