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Baseball Memorabilia   29 Lots       »   

Lot 376.  20+ Baseball Guides and Other Annuals and Publications Spanning 1906-59. The earliest publication is “Napoleon Lajoie’s Official Base Ball Guide” from 1906. Lacking covers, it is otherwise complete and contains Van Oeyen and Horner photos. The premier publication in the group is “Who’s Who in Major League Baseball,” the wonderful 1933 hardcover edited by Harold (Speed) Johnson. The covers of this copy remain connected but are detached from the interior. At least 20 leafs (40 pages) have been cut, removing photos of Foxx, Gehrig, Gomez, Grove, Hubbell, Medwick, Ruth, Ruffing, Terry, Cobb, Mathewson, Marquard, Bresnahan, Bender, Plank, Baker, Waddell, Young, Alexander and others. Generally, information on these players remains, and photos and biographical sketches of more than 400 players are present. Here is a list of the other publications – “Baseball Bat Bag”: From “Baseball Magazine,” featuring “Forty Years of Odd Baseball Records,” 1925 g-vg and 1924 vg. “Batting Averages at a Glance”: From “The Sporting News” by Paul A. Rickart, 1962, vg+ to ex. “Famous Slugger Yearbook”: 1936, Lou Gehrig and Mel Ott cover, vg-ex, and 1947, Musial and Vernon, g-vg. “Heilbroner Baseball Blue Book”: 1946 Abridged Edition, vg. In 1909, Heilbroner established the first commercial statistical organization focusing on baseball. “Knotty Problems of Baseball”: By Billy Evans, American League Umpire, published by “The Sporting News,” 1950, f-g. “Major League Baseball (Whitman Publishing)”: 1941, Bob Feller cover, vg; 1942, Ted Williams cover, g+ to vg; 1945 and 1946, both poor; 1948, Williams, two copies, one vg+ and one f. “Official Baseball (A. S. Barnes)”: 1945, stained covers, otherwise vg, and 1946 vg. “Official Base Ball Rules Adopted by the National and American Leagues”: Revised for 1939 and written by John B. Foster, ex. “Official Baseball Rules, 1959 Edition”: Published by “The Sporting News,” vg-ex. “Sporting News Record Book”: 1936, Hank Greenberg cover, vg+, and 1940, g. “Who’s Who in Baseball”: 1980 reprint of the 1926 edition, Max Carey cover, nm And “Who’s Who in the Major Leagues” (Callahan-Carmichael): 1937, no cover, pages probably missing, p; 1948, hardcover, vg-ex; and 1952, hardcover, vg-ex.
Winning Bid $83.

Lot 401.  12 Disney 1950s Bread Labels – Mickey Mouse (Baseball Player), Donald Duck, Bambi, Etc. Eight labels are from the “Cartoon Characters” set, and four from the “Occupations” set. Figures from the “Characters” set are Bambi, Bongo, Brer Bear, Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, Cleo, Daisy Duck, Dewey and Donald Duck. Mickey Mouse is present in the “Occupations” set as a Baseball Player; Donald Duck as a Skater; and Goofy as a Boxer and Skier. Generally g-vg.
Winning Bid $55.
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