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Baseball Books   12 Lots      

Lot 373.  Scarce Autobiography of Baseball Pioneer and Hall of Fame Player Cap Anson (HoF). The Hall of Fame first baseman didn’t spare any words in creating a title for his book: “A Ball Player’s Career: Being the Personal Experiences and Reminiscences of Adrian C. Anson, Late Manager and Captain of the Chicago Baseball Club.” First edition hardback, 1900, from Era Publishing. The book is complete. Water has slightly to moderately warped the pages throughout. Owners’ names are inside the front cover, on the flyleaf and on the first title page. Toward the front, a page with a photo of Anson is loose and chipped, warped and stained. Water damage is more pronounced in the first 20 pages than in the rest of the book. The covers are faded and stained, and the top of the spine shows a tear. The book won’t win any awards for beauty, but it is complete and fully readable. It offers significant insights on Anson’s view of baseball and life. In a 22-season career, he collected 3,012 hits, drove in 1,880 runs and batted .331. He was inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1939.
Winning Bid $68.
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