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Brooklyn Dodgers   15 Lots      

Lot 195.  Johnny Mize and Duke Snider Autographed Magazine Advertisements. Mize signed a 1940 Wheaties ad, and Snider, a 1957 ad for Florida orange juice. The 10” x 13.5” Mize ad is on the inside of a cover for “America Boy,” and the 7.5” x 10.5” Snider ad is from the “Saturday Evening Post.” Both signatures are nm-m 8 to mint 9. Mize entered the Hall of Fame in 1981 and died in 1993. Enshrined in 1980, Snider passed away last year. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $30.

Lot 197.  “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” Autographs – Ralph Branca and Bobby Thomson. Branca, the Brooklyn Dodgers hurler, delivered the pitch that Thomson slammed for a home run to capture the 1951 N.L. pennant for the New York Giants. Thomson signed a magazine advertisement for Bromo-Seltzer, and Branca, and ad for Munsingwear underwear. Each autograph is nm-m 8. The ads are about 4.75” x 12”. They have been laminated together on a blue background. Authentication by Kevin Keating.
Minimum Bid $20.
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