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Baseball Memorabilia   21 Lots       »   

Lot 123.  Pittsburgh Pirates Publications: 5 “On Deck” Magazines and 8 “First Pitch” Programs. The magazines are for April, July and August 2001 and May and June 2003. Nm to nm-m. The eight programs, all different, are from 2010 – Issues 1-3, 6 and 8-11. Andrew McCutchen is the cover subject for Issue 8, for games from July 16-25 vs. the Astros, Brewers and Padres. The first three programs are without scorecards; otherwise, they average nm to nm-m. There also is a ticket for a May 6, 2010 game vs. the Cubs; McCutcheon is pictured.
Winning Bid $20.

Lot 254.  “New York Times Mid-Week Pictorial” 1923 “Picture History Portfolio.” Before “Life,” the “Mid-Week Pictorial” was the premier picture publication. Each week, the tabloid-sized periodical offered sepia photos of world and domestic events and sports. Offered here is a hardbound annual of 480 pages published in 1923. The “Portfolio” opens with full-page 11” x 16” portraits of the first 30 U.S. Presidents. The rest covers the world, and it provides a dose of history too. There are sections on natural wonders, celebrated paintings and famous actors and actresses. Plenty of sports coverage is here too, with pictures of Ruth, Cobb, Speaker, Dempsey, Bobby Jones, Tilden and many others. G-vg cover. The pages are brittle, and approximately 60 have significant tears, primarily toward the front. The sports pages are largely intact.
Winning Bid $30.
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