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New York Yankees - Munson, Mantle, Ruth, Gehrig, Etc.   58 Lots       »   

Lot 408.  Vic Raschi Single-Signed Baseball. From 1949 through 1953, the New York Yankees won consecutive World Championships, and Raschi was a major factor in their success. During the period, the right-handed fireballer won 92 regular-season games and lost only 40. His career winning percentage of .667 (132-66) is better than Sandy Koufax’s (.655). He also won key World Series games. Raschi signed the sweet spot of a J deBeer & Son “Major League” baseball to his a high school friend, Clint: “If you ever get sick of coaching the Sea Breeze Indians, I have a few connections with the Yankees. Best regards, Vic Raschi.” The ball is ex-m, and the autograph and sentiment, nm 7 to nm-m 8. Raschi passed away in 1988. Baseballs with his signature are difficult to find. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $198.
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