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Late Addition - Original Baseball Painting   1 Lot      

Lot 463.  Stunning Original Painting Signed by Roberts, Niekro, Jenkins and Ozzie Smith. This acrylic-on-canvas painting by former major leaguer Gene Locklear features life-like, detailed images of Robin Roberts, Phil Niekro, Fergie Jenkins and Ozzie Smith. Each Hall of Fame star has placed a large gem mint 10 autograph, authenticated by Kevin Keating, near his image. Locklear produced the painting, which is about 41.5” x 71” framed to 46.5” x 77”, at a Baseball Hall of Fame Fantasy Camp. The player images surround the Baseball Hall of Fame logo and a Little League player. At the bottom, the painting is signed by Locklear and several other players who attended the camp. Locklear had a five-season MLB career as an outfielder with the Reds, Padres and Yankees. A full-blooded Lumbee, he paints Native American portraits and scenes, as well as sports art. This original painting is dramatic, and unique!
Winning Bid $1,821.
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