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Horse Racing Autographs   2 Lots      

Lot 361.  1973 “SI” Signed by Secretariat Owner Penny Chenery Tweedy and Jockey Ron Turcotte. As anyone knows who saw the 2010 movie “Secretariat,” Turcotte rode the precocious thoroughbred, bred and owned by Chenery Tweedy, to horse racing’s Triple Crown in 1973. Secretariat’s winning times in the Kentucky Derby and Belmont Stakes remain unequaled. ESPN selected the Triple Crown winner as the 35th best athlete of the 20th century. Only two other non-humans were so honored – the thoroughbred Man o’ War, ranked 84th, and Citation, ranked 97th. Tweedy served as president of the Thoroughbred Owners and Breeders Association from 1976-84. She was the first woman elected as a member of the Jockey Club. Portrayed by Diane Lane in “Secretariat,” she made a cameo appearance. Turcotte is in the Racing Hall of Fame. The breeder-owner and the jockey signed an ex copy of the June 11, 1973 “Sports Illustrated” that pictures them and Secretariat. Both signatures are gem mint 10s. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $113.
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