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Hockey Cards, Autographs and Memorabilia   8 Lots      

Lot 357.  Bobby Orr Autographed Feb. 3, 1969 “Sports Illustrated.” Orr revolutionized hockey by demonstrating that defensemen could contribute in a big way to the offense. Inducted into the Hall of Fame in 1979, he still is the the only defenseman to win the league scoring title twice, in 1970 and 1972, and to lead the NHL in assists. He earned a record eight consecutive Norris Trophies as the NHL's best defenseman and three consecutive Hart Trophies as the league's MVP. He played on two Stanley Cup Champion Boston Bruins teams. In its list of top athletes of the 20th century, ESPN ranked him 31st, with only Wayne Gretzky and Gordie Howe, both offensive stars, ahead of him. Orr’s autograph is a gem mint 10 on the cover of an ex-m+ issue with a somewhat inconspicuous mailing label in the lower left. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $110.
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