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New York Yankees   15 Lots      

Lot 105.  Freddie Lindstrom Autograph on a Gold Plaque Hall of Fame Postcard. Bold signature in red, a 9-10 and one of the best autographs we’ve seen by Lindstrom on a plaque postcard. Authenticated by Kevin Keating. Linsdstrom make it to Cooperstown in 1976 as a third baseman after a 13-season, .311 career batting average with four N.L. teams, New York, Pittsburgh, Chicago and Brooklyn. He died in 1981. Proceeds from the sale of this lot will benefit the Society for American Baseball Research.
Winning Bid $35.

Lot 132.  Johnny Majors Handwritten Letter Commenting on the 1976 Pitt Team. In 1976, Major coached Tony Dorsett and his University of Pittsburgh teammates to the college football’s national championship. In a 2005 letter on Pitt Department of Athletics stationery, Major writes, “The 1976 Pitt Panthers were one of the greatest teams in football history. It had no weaknesses.” His signature, which follows, is a 10. Everything is written boldly in black sharpie. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $35.

Lot 112.  Roger Peckinpaugh PSA/DNA-Authenticated Autograph. Peckinpaugh was the Yankees’ shortstop for nine seasons and helped to lead Washington to victory in the 1924 World Series. He died in 1977. Gem mint 10 autograph on an unlined index card. Authenticated also by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $50.

Lot 188.  Mickey Mantle 1980s Alarm Clock by Westclox. Nm in the original package. Seems to work, except for the alarm.
Winning Bid $30.
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