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Autographed Baseball Books   6 Lots      

Lot 198.  The Brooklyn Dodgers 1953-1957: A Fan’s Memoir Signed by Dodgers Players. The autographs of Pee Wee Reese, Carl Furillo, Carl Erskine, Don Newcombe, Ralph Branca, Cal Abrams, Sal Maglie, Johnny Podres and Clem Labine are on the cover of this 1982 ex softcover book. Mrs. Gil Hodges and Dodgers press agent Irving Rudd also signed. The signatures are primarily 9s and 10s. The softcover book is by Bill Borst, whose personalized signature is on the title page. There are Jackie Robinson stamps and 1982 and 1984 Cooperstown postmarks on the book. Proceeds from the sale of this lot will benefit the Society for American Baseball Research, a non-profit membership organization open to all that fosters the research, preservation, and dissemination of the history and record of baseball.
Winning Bid $83.
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