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Baseball Photography   8 Lots      

Lot 229.  Babe Ruth Original Circa 1940s Vintage 8” x 10” Sepia Photo. A smiling Babe and two smaller men pose outside the Hilltop Restaurant, which specializes in “steak & chicken dinners.” The photo is slightly colorized, with red added to the men’s cheeks and blue added to a man’s tie and the restaurant sign. There is a crease in the sign, lesser creases primarily toward the border and several tiny scuffs in the lower left. This photo should give the winning bidder at least one good smile a day.
Winning Bid $138.

Lot 231.  Joe DiMaggio in a 1943 Army Panoramic Photo. On Feb. 17, 1943, DiMaggio enlisted in the U.S. Army Air Forces. This 10” x 30 ½” photo shows him a month later, on March 16, 1943, as part of a squadron at Santa Ana Army Air Base in California. DiMaggio is clearly visible in the top or back row, sixth from the left. The sepia photo shows excellent contrast and displays well. Up close, it shows a series of vertical creases about every 1 ¼” that extend from the bottom as much as about 5” into the photo. The creases, apparently created when the photo was rolled, are not evident from several feet away, and they are well away from DiMaggio’s image. The photo is in a vintage frame that shows its age. Unusual collectible featuring the Yankee Clipper.
Winning Bid $110.
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