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Baseball Cards and Related Collectibles   64 Lots       »   

Lot 228.  Very Scarce Near Set of 1972 Pittsburgh Press “Buc-A-Day” Pirates 21 of 25. Issued as part of the newspaper in March 1972, these “cards” picture a Pirates player in street clothes and provide biographical and career information. About 3 3/8” wide, they vary in length from 9 ¼” to slightly over 11”, depending on the amount of biographical data. The missing players are May, Hebner, Miller and Hernandez. All the key players are here – Clemente, Stargell, Mazeroski, Ellis, Blass, Oliver, Moose, Sanguillen, Veale, etc. These features were neatly trimmed from the newspaper; in almost all cases the border is complete. Technically, they grade vg to vg-ex, with an occasional corner chip or border tear. They look better and are all the more desirable because of their scarcity.
Winning Bid $366.

Lot 278.  1952 Topps “Look ‘N See” Set of 135 Including Babe Ruth. Key cards are #1 F. D. Roosevelt f, 4 Lincoln p-f, 6 Teddy Roosevelt ex-m+, 9 Washington g, 15 Ruth vg-ex, 30 Lindbergh f-g, 32 MacArthur vg-ex and 82 Rembrandt f-g. The other cards are. Ex-m+: 1 card. Ex-m: 3. Ex+: 1. Ex: 3. Vg-ex: 5. Vg: 13. G-vg: 23. G: 37. F-g: 22. F: 14. P-f: 5.
Winning Bid $489.
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