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Baseball Autographs   52 Lots       »   

Lot 208.  Original Watercolor of Stan Musial by Famed Cartoonist Frank Lanning. Drawing for the Providence Journal from the early 1940s until 1984, Lanning was one of the most highly respected sports cartoonists in the country. Among his accomplishments, he significantly influenced current cartoonist Frank Galasso, and he created the “Raging Rooster” logo for the AHL Rhode Island Reds hockey team. This 13 ½” x 24” original watercolor captures Musial in his famous batting stance. Accompanying text inside a shield says “Here stands baseball’s perfect warrior. Here stands baseball’s greatest knight. STAN MUSIAL.” The artwork is in a red metal frame without glass but with a signed 1959 Topps card, “Musial Raps Out 3,000th Hit.” Musial’s signature is a 10 authenticated by Kevin Keating. Nm artwork.
Winning Bid $354.
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