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Hockey Cards and Memorabilia   6 Lots      

Lot 233.  1920s W542 Uncut Strip Set of 10 “Sports Drawings” – 2 Baseball, 2 Boxing, Etc. Similar to the W552 “Baseball Position Drawings,” these cards represent a wide range of sports. The blank-backed strip is 2 9/16” x 14 ½”. Overall, the strip is ex, free of creases except for a tiny crease in the lower right corner and some wear at all four corners. It is cut on a slight diagonal. The cards are #1 Training, 2 Cricket, 3 Tennis, 4 Boxing, 5 Athlete, 6 Roller Skating, 7 Ice Skating, 8 Hockey, 9 Catcher and 10 Pitcher. This is only the second time in 30+ years of collecting that we have seen a complete strip, and this example is very nice.
Winning Bid $40.
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