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Baseball Photographs and Illustrations   19 Lots       »   

Lot 328.  Arthur K. Miller Framed Color Illustration of Ty Cobb. Cobb is colorfully shown in a bunting stance with his eye on the ball, which approaches his bat. The matted and framed piece measures 20 ¼” x 24 ¼”. Anyone interested in baseball knows something about Cobb. Miller, an award-winning artist, is less widely known. His work has appeared in many publications, most notably yearbooks for the Baseball Hall of Fame and SABR publications. The Cobb print is one of a series of lithographs. Interestingly, one night in late 1999, Miller had a dream that in 2019, he would be the first artist inducted into the wing of the Hall of Fame for writers and broadcasters. With artwork such as this, his is a dream that may just come true!
Winning Bid $75.
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