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Baseball Autographs   24 Lots       »   

Lot 388.  Bob Hope Autographed Baseball, 1979 Esco Entertainment Products 1979 Statue. Hope’ signature on a baseball makes more sense than many other celebrity-signed baseballs: He once was a part-owner of the Cleveland Indians, and he served as a trustee of the Little League Foundation from 1971 until 1992. His signature is a 10 on an OAL Bobby Brown baseball that grades ex-m because of some areas of discoloration. Hope passed away in 2003. The statue of the popular comedian and actor stands 17” tall, including the base, and weighs about nine pounds. These statues feature heads that are disproportionately large. Ex-m with some minor chips. Autograph authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Minimum Bid $125.
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