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Football Cards   21 Lots       »   

Lot 265.  1974 Nabisco Sugar Daddy Set of 25, 9 from 1975. These mini-cards feature basketball, hockey and football players. 1974 highlights: Staubach, Lilly, Plunkett, Phil Esposito, Dennis Hull, Robertson, Hawkins and Jabbar. Overall nm. 1975 highlights: Alan Page ex+, Plunkett ex-m, Hawkins nm-m, McAdoo nm-m.
Winning Bid $68.

Lot 266.  83 Different 1977-1979 Sportscaster Cards. These cards feature some of the brightest stars of many sports. Familiar names include Maravich, Seaver, Unitas, Pele, Ali, Abdul-Jabbar, Howe, DiMaggio, Jenner, Owens, Aaron, Russell, Bench, Blanda, Namath, Erving, Barry, Cowens, Henie and Hamil. The cards average ex-m.
Winning Bid $55.

Lot 270.  Circa 1940s-50s Children’s Lunchbox with Sports Illustrations. This metal lunchbox has illustrations of children playing baseball and football (in leather helmets), biking, sled riding and roller skating. Vg-ex. Nice display item.
Winning Bid $25.
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