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Airplane Cards   18 Lots       »   

Lot 348.  3 Pre-Linen Postcards Featuring German Airships, One on a Bombing Run. Ferdinand von Zeppelin developed the first airship for widespread use at the dawn of the 20th century. Another German, Johann Schutte, sought to improve upon Zeppelin’s design. Two b&w cards show Graf Zeppelin dirigibles in apparent civilian use. A color pc, which reproduces a Rudolf Schulz painting, depicts the Schutte-Lanz model, apparently on a World War I bombing mission. Germany used airships for bombing civilians and troops in WWI. One b&w postcards is ex+, and the other is vg+ to ex. The color pc is vg-ex with a light crease and minor scrapbook residue on the back.
Winning Bid $40.
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