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Vintage Sports Photography – Tin Types and Photos   10 Lots      

Lot 130.  10 Late 19th-Early 20th Century Boxing Tin Types. Bare-knuckle pugilists dominate this impressive collection. Pairs of boxers in seven of the photos are without gloves. Most of these fighters wear suits, and in two images, they even have formal hats. One does have two gloved, bare-chested brawlers. Interestingly, one of the photos, which features two fighters and three onlookers, appears to have been taken outdoors. At 2 ½” x 3 ½”, these tin types are 1/6 plate-sized. One image is unusual at 2 ½” x 4” with a dome top and a bit of color applied to the boxers’ cheeks. Four images have clipped corners, and three have border chips or minor rust. The images are generally sharp with excellent contrast. Boxing tin types are scarce, and early gloved images are harder still.
Winning Bid $220.
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