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Wrestling Autographs   2 Lots      

Lot 271.  Eclectic Group of 20 Autographs – Hulk Hogan, Golf, Horse Racing, Polo, Etc. The autographs are on various media, from 3” x 5” index cards to the backs of business cards to a losing stub from a race track. Hogan is the most recognizable of the signers. His signature is a bold sharpie 10 on an unlined index card. Ian Woodson signed his SP Authentic golf card. N (Nick) Mileti autographed and personalized an index card. At one time or another, he owned the Cleveland Indians, Cavaliers and Barons. Also: Polo Players: Tom Guy, Phil Clark, Al Parsells, Mathias Engel, Harold Beasy. Jockeys: Edgar Prado, Jack Van Berg, Elliott Burch, William Henry, Oscar Mancilla, Richard Boueler, Jamie Donado. HoF Horse Trainer Jack Van Berg. Softball: Eddie Feigner – “The King and His Court Softball Star (2).” The autographs are generally 9s and 10s. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $14.

Lot 281.  April 29, 1985 SI Cover (Only) Autographed by Hulk Hogan. Sharpie signature is a 10. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $15.
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