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Chess Autographs   1 Lot      

Lot 280.  Rare Collection of Autographs of 7 Eastern-Bloc Chess Grand Masters. Eight items in various formats with the signatures of seven stars of the chess world. Most of these men were chess problemists who wrote books or articles on chess. 1. Ladislav Prokes, typed letter (TLS) on a small card, Prague, Jan. 11, 1962, written in Czech to Vratislav Mitner. Prokes was one of the best Czech players of the 1920s. 2. Miroslav Havel, hand-written letter (ALS) on a postcard, Dec. 21, 1938, written in Czech. Havel is considered one of the most significant representatives of the Bohemian Chess Problem School. 3. Miroslav Soukup, ALS on a postcard, Apr. 4, 1945, concerning his book Sachista Uloha. Small tear affects first line of text. 4. Jan Rusek, TLS, Komorowice, Jan. 11, 1966, written in Polish regarding chess problems. 5. Rafail Kofman, TLS, Moscow, Mar. 15, 1959, written in Russian regarding chess problems. 6-7. Frantisek Hladick, two letters. ALS, Pisek, Apr. 7, 1951, written in Czech; a great letter discussing chess with four printed diagrams and copious notes. Also, ALS, Pisek, June 29, 1943, in Czech regarding logic problems. 8. Edward Laskev, signature with sentiment on the verso of a b&w postcard image showing him playing chess. Eight great, uncommon items offered as a group. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $121.
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