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Spectacular Late Addition-Gehrig Single-Signed Baseball   1 Lot      

Lot 677.  Extraordinary Single-Signed 1927 Lou Gehrig Baseball Authenticated and Graded by PSA/DNA. UPDATED DESCRIPTION: Gehrig's signature is on a Reach Official American League ball that carries the facsimile autograph of E. S. Barnard, A. L. President 1927-31, on a side panel. PSA has graded the ball and the autograph EX-MT 6. PSA's Letter of Authenticity points out that "Additional writing noting the date (1927) written as (27) and faded writing can be seen on the north panel using video spectral comparator (VSC-4) technology." The "faded writing," which apparently was removed, is not an autograph; PSA WILL NOT GRADE A BASEBALL IF IT SUSPECTS THAT AN AUTOGRAPH HAS BEEN REMOVED. The appearance of the ball is at least a NM-MT 8. There is no visual evidence of the additional writing; it cannot be seen by the naked eye. The patina of this unshellacked ball is even throughout. Apparently the ball felt somewhat different in a small area in the panel above Gehrig's signature, and PSA subjected it to spectral analysis. Whatever the case, this is an outstanding Gehrig single-signed ball. Kevin Keating, who also authenticated the autograph, considers it to be one of the finest Gehrig examples - and probably the finest - he has ever encountered. It's a beauty!
Winning Bid $20,897.
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