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Pittsburgh Football   3 Lots      

Lot 66.  11” x 14” Photo Signed by Pittsburgh Hall of Fame Center Mike Webster. Great portrait of Webster in uniform. The photo is nm-m, and the autograph is a sharpie 10. Webster wrote “HOF 97” below his signature. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Winning Bid $30.

Lot 67.  8” x 10” Color Photo Signed by Pittsburgh Steelers Levon Kirkland. From 1992-2000, Kirkland was an excellent linebacker for Pittsburgh. He made the Pro Bowl in 1996 and 1997. His sharpie signature is a 10. LoA from Collectible Classics.
Minimum Bid $20.

Lot 68.  3 1940 Pitt Football Programs. These programs are for games in October vs. Missouri, SMU and Fordham. The cover of each features a stylized scene of the Pittsburgh area – the Cathedral of Learning, a steel mill, and the city from the Point. Each program contains about 40 pages of photos and text. The 1940 team, which included Ernie Bonelli, defeated Missouri, tied SMU and lost to Fordham, which was coached by Notre Dame Horseman Jim Crowley. Vg to vg-ex.
Winning Bid $68.
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