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19th Century Baseball   5 Lots      

Lot 14.  1866 Leslie’s Woodcut with National Association of Base Ball Players Officials. Complete issue with top officials of the organization on the cover in this woodcut print. Founded in 1857 by New York area teams, it was first organization to govern baseball and the first to establish a championship. After the Civil War, it expanded well beyond New York. The officials pictured are John Wildey, president, Mortimer Rogers, first vice president, H. C. Sexton, second vice president, A. H. Rogers, secretary, and P. J. Cozans, treasurer. An early star and an entrepreneur, Rogers played for Brooklyn and Lowell, started a newspaper devoted to baseball and sold scorecards. Early vg issue.
Winning Bid $102.

Lot 15.  1889 Leslie’s Woodcut Print “A Base-Ball Incident – Caught Between the Bases.” This Edward Kemble artwork from the Aug. 31 issue shows a base runner in trouble. As visible, the print, which has been deacidified and matted to 16” x 20”, is nm-m.
Winning Bid $68.

Lot 16.  19th Century Baseball Trade Card, Postcard Featuring African-American Figures. The trade card, “Out! - On A Fly,” is from the “144” series and designated H804-5. It contains Great American Importing Tea Co. advertising on the back. Nice vg+. It comes with a linen postcard with stereotypical black caricatures. The text says: “Honey you sure made a big hit with me. Let’s play around.” Vg+ to ex.
Winning Bid $75.

Lot 17.  19th Century H804-2 Pixie Trade Card, probably Drawn by Palmer Cox. Part of a five-card set, this example is titled “Taking a Fly.” Advertising for Walter B. Gould of Bangor, Me., purveyor of cigars and tobacco, on the front; blank back. Vg+
Winning Bid $50.

Lot 18.  7 19th Century Baseball Trade Cards. Four are from sets that carry American Card Catalog designations. Two appear to be absent from the Frank Keetz catalog. H804-7, Gargling Oil Liniment: “A close Affair. Hugging the Bat.” Stain at the bottom; otherwise, vg+ to ex. “Bravo! The Pet of the Nine.” G. Both have advertising for a music store on the back. H804-10, Corner Clefs: “A Fly,” vg+. H804-20, “5” series. “Tee-he-he! Dixey Jr.” F+ to g. This card is found also without the name. Also: Boy in a blue striped suit, “133” series, ex. Card with scorecard artwork that says, “Put It There,” g-vg. An ad for wagons on the back. Player in jockey-style hat, ad for jeweler; the text says “In baseball games….” F-g
Winning Bid $92.
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