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6 Autographs of German Leaders Including Willy Brandt.

Lot 310. 6 Autographs of German Leaders Including Willy Brandt. The signatures of Brandt (1913-92) are unlined index-style cards. Each has a photo of Brandt attached. Brandt was the Chancellor of West Germany 1969-74, and he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971. Two photos, each about 4” x 6”, were signed by Erich Honecker, and two others by Helmut Schmidt (possible autopens). Honecker (1912-94) led East Germany from 1971-89. He died in exile in Chile. Schmidt succeeded Brandt and held office until 1984. Also, a Konrad Adenauer photo bearing a printed signature. Also present are two transmittal letters to the original collector from a German staffer dated 1976 and 1977. Authenticated by Kevin Keating.
Minimum Bid $50.

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Minimum Bid $50    


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