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1999 Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend Dinner Pins.

Lot 238. 1999 Baseball Hall of Fame Induction Weekend Dinner Pins. Every year the Hall hosts an exclusive dinner at the Otessaga Hotel on Saturday night of induction weekend to welcome the incoming class. Attendance is strictly limited to HoF members and their guests and special guests of the Hall. All who attend receive a gift set of commemorative pins that honor previous HoF classes. Because of their exclusivity and limited distribution to only those attending, the pins are highly coveted. They rarely reach the collecting market. George Brett, Nolan Ryan and Robin Yount headlined the class of 1999. The two pins in the 1999 gift set commemorate the classes of 1979 (Willie Mays, Hack Wilson and Warren Giles) and 1948 (Herb Pennock and Pie Traynor). Here is set #192, given to some lucky attendee of the July 24 dinner. It is the first 1999 set that we have seen come to market. The pins are mint in the original box!
Winning Bid $70.

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Winning Bid $70    


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